Circular economy
TAKE-BACK SYSTEM (Inspiration in English)
Realize full financial and sustainability potential of your business with product take-back. Get inspiration and knowledge in the papers available below.

Information as a circular resource – Facilitating information exchange to extend product-life
af admin | 6. november 2023 | English | 0 Kommentarer
The transition from a linear to a circular economy model necessitates the creation of new services with embedded information exchange capabilities, in order to extend product life through maintenance and repair. Information exchange has been identified as a critical factor in advancing the principles of a circular economy, and this research was conducted to illustrate how information exchange can facilitate maintenance and repair. Information exchange on what and when to do something engage end-users in maintenance and facilitates learning. For repair, the problem description and possible solutions is information that must be exchanged. Both types of information exchange are facilitated by simple tech solutions relying on known and inexpensive technology (e.g., email service, video call, and text-messaging).

Stop destroying waste – how collaboration in take-back systems creates value instead of waste
af admin | 9. oktober 2023 | English | 0 Kommentarer
The purpose of a take-back system is to reduce usage of new natural resources by reusing discarded products. However, value stream actors often damage the discarded products by treating it as waste, and potential reuse value is lost in the value stream bringing discarded products to a reuse facility. The value loss can be reduced through reconfiguring collaboration and alignment of purpose between value stream actors. The study explores multiple product take-back value streams and identify alignment in collaboration as an enabler of low product damage and high value creation which are central to operationalization of circular economy.

Knowledge as a circular resource – Integrating information exchange and circular business models for product-life extension
af admin | 5. oktober 2023 | English | 0 Kommentarer
The change from a linear to a circular business model requires the development of new services integrating information exchange and product usage to prolong product life through maintenance and repair. Information exchange has been identified as important for promoting circular economy, and this study draws on empirical data from a two case studies to demonstrate which kind of information supports maintenance and repair, and how the information exchange can be facilitated. Case company A offered maintenance of white goods (e.g., washing machine) as a subscription service where reminders and maintenance guides were emailed monthly to customers. Company B offered virtually guided repairs of white goods. The study finds that sharing information on what and when to do something facilitates end-users to participate in maintenance and learn about maintenance; more than half of the company A questioned customers reported that they learnt from guides and were involved in maintenance due to guides and reminders. For repair the problem description and possible solutions is information that must be exchanged, and a simple voice and video call can facilitate repairs that prolong product life with a minimum cost for the end-user. Both types of information exchange are facilitated by simple-tech solutions relying on known and cheap technology (e.g., email service, video call, and text-messaging). The findings of the study suggest that the development of circular business models does not always require expensive high-tech solutions to integrate information flow with product flow and usage, and companies are recommended to experiment with designing solutions based on known technology.
TAKE-BACK SYSTEM (Inspiration på dansk)
Realiser det finansielle og cirkulære potentiale med et take-back system. Hent inspiration i nedenstående artikler.

Virksomheder skal blive bedre til at tage deres brugte produkter retur
af admin | 9. oktober 2023 | Danish | 0 Kommentarer
Virksomheder spiller en afgørende rolle i at skabe en bæredygtig fremtid, og take-back programmer er en af de mest effektive måder, hvorpå de kan bidrage. Alligevel kommer blot ca. 10% af de materialer, der bruges i produktionen, fra genanvendte produkter, mens hele 90% af materialerne, der bruges i produktionen, således er nye. Det kan naturligvis ikke fortsætte på denne måde. Ved at implementere take-back programmer, kan virksomheder bidrage til at mindske ressourcespild og minimere negativ påvirkning på miljøet, men det kræver nytænkning at øge andelen af genanvendte materialer.

Bæredygtig produktion
af admin | 9. oktober 2023 | Danish | 0 Kommentarer
Virksomheder oplever øget pres for at være mere bæredygtige. Både konkurrenter og lovgivning presser virksomheder til at ændre deres måde at drive forretning på. Kommende EU-regler vil medføre et markant skifte, hvor produkters håndtering efter endt brug får stor betydning for virksomheders samlede bæredygtighedsscore. Produkt tilbagetagning er når virksomheder tager ansvar for produkter efter endt brug, og det vil få tiltagende vigtighed, fordi det bidrager til at forbedre bæredygtighedsscore. Men virksomheder stilles foran en central udfordring; hvordan sikres at genbrugte komponenter og produkter kan have et andet eller tredje liv hos en kunde? Det kræver at virksomheder styrer produkt tilbagetagnings processen, og opbygger forretningsprocesser der sikrer at genbrugte produkter lever op til gældende krav.

Take-back systemets anatomi – en introduktion
af admin | 5. oktober 2023 | Danish | 0 Kommentarer
Mange virksomheder fortæller om genbrug og genanvendelse, og det giver indtryk af en stor lyst blandt produktionsvirksomheder til at bidrage til den grønne omstilling. I praksis har kun få virksomheder reelt omstillet helt eller delvist til en cirkulær forretningsmodel, men et gennemgående initiativ er et take-back system, hvor brugte produkter bliver til en ressource i stedet for til affald. Take-back systemer skaber økonomisk og ressourcemæssig værdi for virksomheder og de vil blive en del af fremtidens produktionssystemer, der skaber værdi uden forbrug af naturressourcer (Thierry et al., 1995). Men design og implementering af take-back systemer kræver udvikling af nye interne og eksterne processer. Erfaringer fra virksomhederne Novo Nordisk og Danishdown® illustrerer behovet for at strukturere udviklingen af et take-back system. I denne artikel præsenteres en ramme for arbejdet med at bygge take-back værdikæder.